Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally

Kathmandu DAP 2024-2025 Expression of Interest

This is a preview of the Kathmandu DAP EOI form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Direct Aid Program


What is the Direct Aid Program?

The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Australian Embassy Nepal. The program supports projects that complement Australia's broader aid program and contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.

The project activities and outcomes should reflect and strengthen social, development and cultural partnerships between Australia and Nepal.

Who can apply?

DAP funding is available to not-for-profit companies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other entities engaged in development activities. Applicants MUST be registered with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal at the time of application.

A single DAP project application can be up to AUD60,000 (Nepalese Rupees equivalent) over the life of the project, which should not exceed 20 months. Only one application is accepted from one entity for a given DAP application round.

For further information, please see 

What activities are eligible for DAP?

This year, our Direct Aid Program will fund activities that have a direct, practical and immediate impact in the following areas:

  1. combating human trafficking, modern slavery and forced labour,
  2. climate change (projects with an agricultural link would be favourably considered),
  3. entrepreneurship and trade facilitation, particularly in agribusiness and ICT.

Projects that address gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) will be considered positively. Applications should outline how the project will respond to GEDSI issues in its implementation.

DAP will NOT fund:

  • construction projects, cash grants or micro-credit schemes or projects that involve the return of money;
  • commercial ventures, or purchase of major assets (eg vehicles, land);
  • Australian or overseas study tours, or international travel;
  • sponsorship of major sporting tournaments or cultural displays that do not have a clear developmental benefit;
  • regular staff salaries, or routine, recurring running costs and administrative expenses, including office rental and utility costs, spare parts, and routine maintenance.

DAP funds will not cover more than eight per cent of administration costs.

Proposed DAP Projects should be self-contained, with finite timelines. Activities in which the recipient community itself makes a significant contribution in terms of labour, materials or cash are particularly well-received.

How to apply?

Eligible organisations are invited to complete the Expression of Interest form below.

Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to complete a detailed application for further competitive screening.

Note that organisations invited to submit a full DAP application will not be guaranteed funding, as success will depend on the quality of the application as well as the funds available.

Indicative DAP Program Timeline:

October/November: DAP call for Expressions of Interest (EoIs)

November/December: Shortlisted applicants advised of outcomes and invited to submit a full proposal.

January: Project agreements will be signed and funds will be disbursed.


The Expression of Interest form is to be completed by the applicant online.

This application form should be read in conjunction with the Direct Aid Program Guidelines, which are available at

To be eligible, you MUST be able to supply the following information:

  1. Full details and contacts of two referees
  2. Details of District Administration Office Registrations
  3. Details of Social Welfare Council Registration
  4. Recommendation letter from Local Government where the project activity is taking place
  5. All required documentation to demonstrate adherence to DFAT due diligence requirements (available at Due Diligence Framework (
  6. Evidence that your organisation's safeguards policies meet the requirements of DFAT’s safeguards policies, available at: Global themes | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (, including:
  7. child protection policy Child Protection Policy | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (
  8. preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment Preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (
  9. fraud and corruption control Fraud Control Toolkit for funding recipients (
  10. A list of past completed projects.

Partner obligations

We require a high degree of transparency and accountability in all projects. Recipients of DAP funding must ensure that the project complies with all applicable local laws, standards and policies that relate to health and safety.

DFAT does not tolerate the exploitation, abuse or harassment of children or adults. For projects likely to involve contact with vulnerable people, the applicant must comply with DFAT’s Child Protection Policy and/or Preventing Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy. DAP recipients are expected to apply an appropriate policy commensurate with the level of risk associated with the activity and their organisation. Recipients will be asked to demonstrate that they have documented policies and procedures in place to manage these risks, including reporting and investigation procedures.